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Advance Features

FHLB Dallas offers a number of advance features that provide added benefits to our members.

Symmetrical Prepayment  

This feature enables members to prepay a fixed-rate, fixed-term or principal amortizing (PRAM) advance below par and realize a gain if interest rates rise sufficiently since the advance was originated.

  • Available on fixed-rate, fixed-term or PRAM advances structures
  • Maturities from one year to 10 years
  • Minimum $5 million transaction size

Learn more by reading the Symmetrical Prepayment white paper.


An advance with the forward-starting feature enables a member to take advantage of the current low- interest rate environment by locking in a rate today for an advance that settles at a future date.

  • Available on fixed-rate, fixed-term or PRAM advances structures
  • No minimum transaction size up to 10 years
  • Minimum $5 million transaction size
Learn more by reading the Forward-Starting white paper.

An advance cannot include both the forward-starting and symmetrical prepayment options.


White papers

Symmetrical Prepayment White Paper

Forward-Starting White Paper

Helpful Resources