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Member Bulletin
  • October 05, 2022
  • Bulletin No: 2022-24

2023 Affordable Housing Advisory Council Nomination Period Extended

The Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas (Bank) has extended the nomination period to November 1, 2022 for seats on its 2023 Affordable Housing Advisory Council (Advisory Council). The 13-person Advisory Council provides guidance to the Bank's Board of Directors (Board) on housing finance and community investment needs in the Bank's five-state District of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas. The Advisory Council members, appointed by the Board, represent groups such as community-based organizations, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, local governments and housing authorities throughout the District.  

Nominees must reside in the District and in the state they represent, and must hold a leadership position within their organization. The organization should have a demonstrated capacity to assist in the creation of affordable housing and/or bring about community-based economic development, and should have a history of service to very low-, low- and moderate-income housing or community lending in the District. Employees of Bank members are not eligible to serve. 

The Bank’s member institutions, as well as community and nonprofit organizations located in the District, may submit nominations for the Advisory Council. For 2023, the Bank has open seats representing the following states: 

  • Arkansas – One vacancy  

  • Mississippi – One vacancy  

  • New Mexico – One vacancy  

  • Texas – Two vacancies  

The three-year terms for all new Advisory Council members will commence on January 1, 2023. 

A nomination form is available here. The deadline to submit nomination forms is November 1, 2022. Forms may be submitted by email to: For more information, please contact Greg Hettrick, First Vice President and Director of Community Investment, at 800.362.2944. 


Sanjay K. Bhasin 
President and Chief Executive Officer